Let’s Get Started:
1. Go to tradingview.com
2. Type in “aapl” in the search bar and hit ENTER.
3. Click Full Featured Chart
Delete all other indicators from your chart by clicking the X next to the indicators name.
Click indicators on your new chart in the top left.
We approve access manually and this process takes up to 3 hours from the time you sign up for you to see the invite only panel, please check back evey 3 hours.
Once you click indicators in your tradingview account you’ll see the AI Signals Script and the Oscillator available if you purchased an oscillator package to you in the invite-only scripts row. They will be next to a star and a lock, they are not locked, click on the script names.
Click on each to add them both if you bought an oscillator package if not just click AI Signals in the Script Column.
Click on the Settings gear next to the bot name.
This will allow you to change sensitivity and which features you want enabled.
We suggest trading 15 minute, 30 minute, 45 minute and longer.
We also suggest keeping the sensitivity above 1.5 with 2.5 being the easiest to follow.
Examine which settings are most accurate for your favorite trading style and what you love to trade.
Email your profit screenshots to contact@getaisignals.com